Saturday 31 December 2022

Our 2022 Personal Reflections – The Good, The Hard, And The Lessons Learned

Please excuse the wildly cliche opener of a mirror in a room for a post about reflections. We didn’t take a group shot this year (at least I don’t think we did) so a beautiful room with a big ole mirror to talk about our big ole feelings felt appropriate. This is the very last post of 2022 and connecting with you on a personal level, sharing the good and some of the hard is exactly how we wanted to close it out. We are endlessly grateful for you all and hope that reading about our 2022s brings us all a little closer.


Oh, 2022. Huge life changes that came with a lot of emotions, including joy, relief, fulfillment, gratitude with a side of regret, insecurity and disappointment. What is consistent (and I think a big mid-life thing) is there are so many questions in which you can’t rush the answers. 2022, post-lockdown was one of the more challenging years in recent history for us. And that’s ok. I’m here to learn all the lessons. My kids are thriving, Brian is still my favorite person to hang out with, and I get to see all my best friends and siblings more frequently now that we live in Portland. The blog is still stable (thanks to you), after a wild pandemic year or two with spiking, volatile traffic (some incredible months, some just odd). I feel like the clarity that I had during lockdown is still here, priorities are firmer than ever, and who, what, and where I focus my attention is strong. This year we went to a happiness conference which was pretty enlightening. My book came out (and continues to do well, but we didn’t make the New York Times Bestseller list like Styled did, which was a bit disappointing, honestly). I went on Good Morning America and was reminded that live national TV is panic attack inducing. We moved into the farm and feel so grateful to work with so many partners on such an incredibly odd/exciting career of personal and home content creation for millions to see/view/like/judge and share. I’ve never been so hard on myself and I’m trying to figure out why. I have some theories. I found an awesome freelance team in Portland that I love working with every week (shout out to Emily M. and Kaitlin Green) and so love and appreciate that my team that you all know, Jess, Ryann, Mal and Caitlin who continue to navigate the exciting waters of the internet with me and add value to the world. Meanwhile, we are starting to dial in the house with decor, room by room which is lighting my fire again (and so much less fraught than a renovation – I LOVE STYLING). I’m writing a full post about how it has been living in Portland so more to come. All in all, I feel like it was another year of joy, questions, desperately trying to stay slow, lessons, and being grateful for my team and all of you who spend time here (especially the long-time readers that keep me going when I’m down – thank you) xx


I didn’t realize it until I sat down to write this, but this year has been all about change. My Life™ has changed and I have changed, and I don’t think I would have fully appreciated that fact if I wasn’t asked to reflect on the past 365 days. But whew, where to begin?? Oh right, I got married this year!!! And everyone loves to ask “how is married life?” and “does it feel different?”. I swear most people expect us to answer “Nope it’s the exact same as before!” But it isn’t. It is different, it feels deserved, and things did shift after we got married (for the better). And I know marriage is not always easy (a narrative our society is addicted to perpetuating for some reason) but marriage is great right now and I am so grateful. What else? Oh *goes to Italy once* I am also a world traveler!!! Earlier this year we went to Italy for my husband’s brother’s wedding and it was the first time either of us had ever traveled internationally. That experience was not only fun/exciting/new but it also taught me that I can travel without having a panic attack and that my husband and I are great travel partners. I am famously an anxious traveler but we had an incredible experience that prompted us to book our honeymoon in 2023–this time to Japan. Amazing. But sadly, life isn’t revolved around me jetting off to another country once a year. Life, as we all know, is obsessed with ups and downs. And to be honest, there are far too many downs for my taste. I believe most people know that my brother passed away on August 8th, 2021 at 29 years old, and this year I found that I will always move through life with grief. The grief transforms and reshapes itself constantly, but never goes away. I also witnessed people closest to me experience their own devastating losses this year and I’ve come to realize that the best things I can do in life are nurture my relationships, show up for the people I love, and make honest connections. In 2023, I can’t wait to watch my brother’s daughter grow up and become more like him every day, travel with my husband, and continue to change/grow as a person. What a cool life <3


I was trying to see if I could give this year a letter grade but that feels kinda impossible. My initial thought was D+ but that’s likely a little dramatic and due to emotional exhaustion. But honestly, in terms of my personal life, this has been a rough year. I’ve been battling depression due to probably what are still the after-effects of the pandemic (not that it’s over) and all the horrendous things happening in the world and in the country daily, but also because of some things I don’t want to talk about on the internet. Everything on that front is manageable, thankfully, but that doesn’t make moving through it easy. Depression during lockdown felt a little different. While still extremely hard and 0/10 stars, there was at least some weird solace in knowing I wasn’t missing out on living life. I’ve never really suffered from “FOMO” but when you’re dealing with depression in “normal” life there’s just a general sadness of not having the ability to fully experience it while others are/can. I also know that clearly I’m not alone in these feelings. Most of my friends are going through something similar even if they are for totally different reasons. I’m wildly grateful that we all have each other but it’s easy to then not to want to burden your friends that also have their own struggles. And to be fair my depression really only kicked into high gear in the latter half of the year and even then I have had some truly wonderful moments. Like my dear college friend and cousin getting married (not to each other:)). Jess Bunge LOVES to dance so weddings are right up my alley. I got to go to NY for a long weekend to see some of my best friends as well as a longer trip in the summer. I went to go see Rodrigo Amarante, Stevie Nicks, Florence and the Machine, and Alicia Keys in concert! All so incredible and moving. In the spring (the better part), I went to Mexico again and felt more alive and like myself than I had in years. Also, in terms of daily life, I still love my job and know what a huge deal that is. I think the real issue is that in my personal life I have been mostly just letting life happen to me. I’ve kind of lost a sense of real ownership and going through the motions which I know just comes from a lack of feeling worthy. That’s something I’ve battled with my whole life and I know it’s only ever been alleviated when I make strong decisions and put myself even just a little outside of my comfort zone. So that’s what I plan to change this next year. I already have plans in the making to hopefully apartment swap with someone in New York for a month or two (not before my living room is revealed:)), visit my dad in Paris (yes, the already coolest dad on the planet has decided he’s living in France for three months starting this January), and a few other ideas I’m still figuring out that are more inside job things. I’m just tired of feeling stuck but I’m the only one to unstick myself. So that’s where I’m at and hopefully, if you are dealing with similar feelings you know that you are absolutely not alone. 2023 here we come…BE BETTER, OK???


Do you want the good news or the bad news first? (Hope you picked “bad,” because that’s where we’re starting here.) When I look back, a lot of 2022 felt like I was bouncing from crisis to crisis – the year started with two back-to-back deaths, followed by an unending slew of personal stresses (my favorite: the multi-month black mold nightmare in my apartment), and December’s highlights included a rough bout of Covid (my first time – had all the symptoms; tested positive for 15 days straight; do not recommend) immediately followed by my 12-year-old cat’s first-ever trip to the kitty ER. But a lot of the negative emotions and stresses related to these bad things were blunted because…

(This is the good news part.) GUYS. It finally happened!!! I fell in love in 2022!!! For the first time ever!!! At age 31!!! (And if you couldn’t guess, it was with that peach up there on the left! AHH!!!) As it turns out, a lot of sucky things happen to suck a lot less when there’s a kind and patient and thoughtful person around who’s willing to help you navigate all the murky and mucky stuff. I’d never been able to ~get there~ in previous relationships (very NOT Libra of me) and was pretty sure I was destined to be the fun brunch friend – like, if your squad is in need of a gal with a bad date story, I’ve got hours of them – so activating a new part of my brain and feeling a whole bunch of new feelings has been VERY EXCITING. (I could write 2,000 words about the ~meet cute~ and everything else, but I’ll just say this: he’s the best, I love him, and he reads the blog so SAY HI TO DENNIS, PLEASE.) Also exciting: it was a great year of travel and friendship. I flew cross-country 16 (!!!) times; watched a ton of my best friends get married in NYC, Vermont, Delaware, and California; went to Firefly (in Delaware, very fun) and When You Were Young (in Vegas, also very fun, but in the “it’s an absolute disaster” way); enjoyed Seattle and Northern California with the EHD team; watched my favorite band play in both Boston and Philadelphia; welcomed a slew of new babies (congrats to all my new mama pals!!!); and capped off the year by traveling through Germany, Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary with my mom (could have done without the Covid we both brought home, though). The highs were high and the lows were low, but I’m just feeling really lucky to have my mom and my friends and my cute boyfriend and my sweet coworkers and all of you, too. Life’s looking pretty okay right now, I think 🙂


The phrase ‘new chapter’ gets thrown around a lot when it comes to resolutions and reflections for the upcoming year, but I mean it when I say 2022 has felt like I’ve entered one (in the best way). While the year has been slightly less ‘eventful’ (comparatively) to some of the others in the recent past (In 2019 I moved to New York then to LA for EHD, 2020 was obviously weird but memorable, and 2021 felt like such a massive contrast to 2020 with ‘normal’ life trickling back and some big travel moments), but being more stagnant this year has brought a massive amount of personal growth and change I never would have predicted. 2019 me and 2022 me are two very different versions of myself: the new me has developed strong goals and wants in life & has figured out a lot more about who I am and who I want to be. It’s been a year of reaching for new heights. I started a TikTok account and got a few of my first (and extremely awesome) partnerships which has been a dream come true!!! and I’m learning more and more about how I can reach my fullest potential while still being happy (which is so important). I’ve always been a big ‘work hard, play hard’ kind of person, and lately I’ve been honing in on what both work and play should look like in their highest form. For example, when it comes to ‘play’ I’m realizing how much I love having TICKETS to literally anything & that having meaningful connections & making memories are the most important things. I’m so thankful to be surrounded by so much love in my life – both from my family, friends and my very special person, Chase. Having a life partner like him through these years of turbulence has been so special, and I will never take that for granted 🙂 And when it comes to work, I’m loving where I’m at and am so grateful to be a part of this team. Having a job that creatively encourages me in this very specific (but incredible) field that I never would have known existed if it wasn’t for EHD and you all –– so THANK YOU. I can’t wait to see where 2023 takes us as a team & I’m so excited to continue learning, evolving and growing into the person I hope to be. Now let’s kick this new year off right!! 🙂

Well, that’s all EHD wrote:) Happy happy New Year’s Eve and cheers to a brighter 2023.

Love you, mean it.

Opening Image Credits: Design by Julie Rose for EHD | Photo by Sara Ligorria-Tramp | From: One of Emily’s Best Friends Gets The Cozy Yet Sophisticated Bedroom Makeover She Really Deserves

The post Our 2022 Personal Reflections – The Good, The Hard, And The Lessons Learned appeared first on Emily Henderson.

from Emily Henderson

Friday 30 December 2022

The Data Is In! These Are The Top 25 Most Purchased Items Of 2022

I think my favorite comments on the blog are the ones that say something like, “Are y’all listening in my house? I just said that I needed (insert item here) and I came to the blog and you’ve found it for me.” And while we aren’t listening in your houses – we have neither the budget nor technology to make that happen – we are using a sweet bit of data to help figure out which categories/products/styles are trending in an attempt to bring you the best pieces at the best prices. So today, to conclude our weeklong 2022 wrap-up, I’m bringing you the creme de la creme – the top-selling items from the entire year. We linked them, you loved them. Wanna see if anything you clicked on made the list? (There are definitely some familiar faces here, I promise.)

25. Your Favorite Faux-Leather Lumbar

Ah, yes – the famous faux-leather lumbar. It made its blog debut in Em’s 2019 mountain house primary bedroom reveal, and it’s been a bestseller ever since. If you want your bed to look polished and finished without the hassle of juggling a ton of throw pillows every morning and night, this is a great choice. (But hurry if you want to grab one – it’s almost sold out again!)

24. Caitlin’s Rattan Floor Lamp Dupe

Tale as old as time: I fell in love with a $1,500 Anthropologie lamp, dug around the internet, and found the look for less. (90% less, if we’re being particular.) I loved the brass details, the woven shade, and the fun scalloped detail. (I also discovered that the TJ Maxx website is just as great as the store, too – it’s worth a bookmark if you also love a bargain!)

23. A Quick-Ship Pedestal Dining Table

It’s always exciting when we can flag a great deal for you, and this table was no exception. We highlighted this piece in one of our holiday sale roundups (I believe it was in our July 4th post!) because it was deeply discounted – we’re talking nearly 50% off here – with reasonable delivery times! A lot of work and research goes into bringing y’all the best deals, so I’m thrilled that this one worked out for so many readers.

22. An Organic-Meets-Luxe Bench

SWOON. I mean…it’s kinda dreamy, no? The woven frame, the cane backing, the brass feet, the customizable cushions – what else could you need? (I actually eyed this piece for my own home, but decided that my cat is not responsible enough to curb her clawing urges.) We often see this piece going on sale for up to 30% off, and we’ll continue to flag those steals for you in 2023 🙂

21. Ryann’s Festive Halloween Candle

It’s never too late to prep for Halloween (or for the spooky pal in your life), right? It’s often hard to find decor that blends functionality with fun – especially when you’re looking at seasonal items, which are so frequently just decorative – but this sweet little candle threads the needle perfectly.

20. Amber Lewis’ New Etsy Collection

When I first slacked this collection to the team in October, Em responded, “ooh that’s really good.” 15 minutes later, she followed up: “This is a really good collaboration. I’m putting like 6 things in my cart and it’s supporting a lot of makers. It’s really a win/win.” SHE’S RIGHT! The artisan pieces curated here are gorgeous, heirloom-quality…and, I mean, you know how we feel about furoshiki (spoiler: we LOVE it).

19. Em’s High-Rise Workout Shorts

Here’s what Em had to say: “These are my go-to’s that I wear many mornings for my morning routine. The waistband sits nicely and stays put (but zero cutting in as it sits higher). There is a little flair which I find flattering, has pockets for my beach card, and after I work out, I jump in the lake and swim around and they are GREAT swim bottoms. Oh, and it has built-in red underwear (sounds weird, but excellent for being active). Again, I feel like these shorts with a swim top or tank would look cool and sporty at the beach, and just feels less exposed for daytime swimming with the kids. I wear them with my red swimsuit, mesh pullovers, and Tevas, and not to sound like quite the dorky mom, but I do feel like it looks cool while secretly I’m VERY comfortable and confident.

18. Brian’s Holiday Sweater Recommendation

You may recognize this little number from Brian’s gift guide – he tried it on at the mall and especially appreciated the sleeve length (not too short, not too long). He went on to describe it as “super cozy” and mentioned that it may be at the top of his Christmas wishlist – do you think he found one under the tree last weekend?

17. Em’s New Family Room Sofa

LOVE. This was one of Em’s first furniture purchases for the farm, and it’s even better in person – huge, deep, timeless, and luxe. Here’s what she had to say: “The sectional is from Rejuvenation and it’s extremely comfortable and cozy. The fabric is a performance velvet and that last chaise seat is big enough for me and both kids.” (Check out the living room update to see it in real life – it looks like an ideal sofa for snuggling!)

16. This Classic And Affordable Vanity

Who knew a budget-friendly vanity could look so high-end? Priscilla Frost, the designer of this affordable basement bathroom makeover, did – she swapped in a new faucet, changed up the hardware, and made this piece look like a million bucks. (I mean, the bones were already beautiful, but Priscilla really made it sing!) The marble top, the open and closed storage, the deep navy finish…it’s a total steal for under $1,000.

15. Caitlin’s Favorite $4 T-Shirts

I LOVE THESE SHIRTS. The price is obviously awesome, but they’ve also held up beautifully over the past 18 months with near-weekly laundering (I know that’s not always the case with affordable clothing!). They’re not too tight, an ideal weight, and they’re the perfect base layer to mix with jeans or with bolder, more statement-making bottoms. J’ADORE. BIG TIME.

14. Ryann’s Slide Sandals (That Won’t Break The Bank)

Here’s what Ryann had to say about these chic slides: “Last year when I bought these sandals, I truthfully didn’t know they would become such a staple in my wardrobe. I think I bought them in-store for a last-minute event I was going to that day. Cut to today, I now wear them at least once a day because they are so easy to slide on and go. They are $20 but look so expensive and look good with any jeans, shorts, dresses, etc etc. The band is soft and not too tight so they are very comfortable to walk in too. 10/10!

13. Em’s Go-To Dinnerware

Boss says it best (mainly because these are, you know, her plates): “Once again I’m singing the praises of our crazy affordable and long-lasting glass plates and bowls. I only needed to buy one set (so we have 12 of each) because we had 8 already, but here’s my pitch if you haven’t heard it yet. These plates are extremely flat, lightweight, and durable which means that the kids can easily set the table, do their own dishes, and easily load them into the dishwasher (it’s so satisfying, I’ll be doing a reel about it soon). While I love handmade pottery plates, those are more like the modern-day “fine china” – great for special occasions. But for day-to-day, I will only use these – little bowls for cereal in the morning, side plates for lunches for them, and dinner plates for everything else.

12. Some Vintage-Inspired Denim

A straight leg with a bit of breathing room, a comfortable rise, and a great wash – it’s the trifecta of awesome jeans. If you’re looking to retire your skinnies in favor of something a bit more on-trend, these are a great choice.

11. The Swimsuit We Keep Coming Back To

Two years in a row for this sweet suit! It’s out of stock right now, but add it to your favorites and keep an eye on it as spring rolls around – it’s a winner. Em’s thoughts: “Navy and white stripes, cute cut-out, very supportive and thick enough to mask my extra tummy-warming layer (tummy dimples!). BIG FAN of this. I bought a 6 which fit great (but I haven’t gotten it wet yet). It also has a matching rashguard which I LOVE. This is a very ‘me’ suit that I know I’ll wear all summer and was PSYCHED to find it.” (Spoiler: she did, in fact, wear it in 2021…and it was still a favorite in 2022. A total score!)

10. Stylish Wear-Anywhere Sneakers

Double endorsements here from the EHD team! Both Em and Ryann recommended these sneakers – Em mentioned that she’d been living in them all summer, and Ryann supplemented with some personal testimony: “These are my favorite sneaker to wear when I am running errands, want to look cute and stylish, and also am living on a prayer that I’ll get myself to the gym at some point. They really are so versatile as they can be worn with so many outfits but are also supportive and comfortable to walk or even run in. I truly wear them constantly and cannot recommend them enough!

9. Mal’s Holiday-Friendly Dress Recommendation

This year, Mal shared three of her favorite holiday dresses with us, but this loose and gauze-y pick topped the list. Her criteria: “A festive dress to me must be 1. flowy (because there’s nothing worse than an outfit that’s too tight after a meal) 2. comfortable enough to cook in all day and 3. elevated enough to feel like you’re dressing up for the holiday. And 4. ideally, cute enough to wear for many more parties/events afterward.” This one checks all the boxes (and it’s also VERY affordable right now – only $35, down from $138!).

8. Comfortable Lug Sole Boots

Heeled boots aren’t always the easiest to wear for long stretches, but these seem to be the exception (according to Emily, at least!). “I’ve been wearing those boots NON-STOP. They feel so comfortable for having a little lift,” she wrote. They’re a little utilitarian twist (that lug sole!) on the classic Chelsea boot silhouette – fun, right?

7. Em’s Oversized Car Coat

I think I whispered out loud ‘oh, hell yes,’ when I put this coat on,” Emily wrote. “It’s EXTREMELY GOOD. It’s fancy like a tweed wood coat, but long (extremely warm and cozy – maybe not New York in 15 degrees warm) and drapes in such a flattering way. It has pockets, a cute collar, is lined (which makes it easy to slip into), and is a great colorway and pattern. I wore it all day yesterday and got like 12 compliments on it. It’s not too hot for inside either (if you don’t layer underneath) so it’s not one of those that you have to take off when you get in the grocery store or on the subway.”

6. A Cozy U-Shaped Sectional

I’m including this sectional without a link and with a MASSIVE caveat – Interior Define is going through some major growing pains right now, and I can’t recommend placing a new order here until their supply chain is back in working order. That said, if you purchased a sofa after seeing this basement makeover and you’re unhappy with the extended lead times or communication you’ve received from the brand, please shoot me a note (you can find my email right here!) – I’d love to help flag your order for their team. We haven’t highlighted the brand or their products since we learned about their shipping delays (right now being the sole exception), and I’m sorry if you’ve been disappointed. Please let me know if I can help!

5. Our Favorite Style of Jean

Team EHD loves a demi-boot cut jean, y’all. I bought my first pair in 2019 after seeing Jess wearing them in the office (RIP to in-person work – saw so many cute and inspiring outfits every single day!), and they’re the only cut of jean I wear these days. They’re comfortable and easy to style and the little flared leg makes every outfit look a bit more special and considered. 10/10, you can’t go wrong here in any wash!!!

4. A Game-Changing Swimsuit

I have two of these – even the EHD team gets #emfluenced! – and can attest that they’re the best swimsuits I’ve ever purchased. Here’s the testimony that won me over: “Today, what you can see above is the new shapewear suit invented by a mom in Silverlake (where we lived in LA) and it’s GENIUS. Her whole thing is why have shapewear for under your clothes and not for swimsuits! I bought one because I was being heavily Facebook marketed by it and I’m glad I did. Now, one of my best friends tried it on who has a much longer torso and is very small-chested and it didn’t work for her. We decided it’s mostly for people who carry more weight in their midsection and need more boob support. I LOVE it and before this post, I ordered the high-waisted sapphire in “short” Medium just in case we sell it out. That’s how much I stand by these suits.” (Seriously, worth every penny – though I will add that I have a very long torso and still love it!)

3. Em’s Lightweight Linen Blouse

This linen top made its debut in a post called “Emily’s Easy, Throw On And Go Summer Outfits That Still Make Her Feel Put Together,” and…well, that kind of nails it, doesn’t it? You can’t beat a breezy, classic top in a timeless silhouette for comfort and style. (As always, some firsthand feedback from Em: “This linen shirt is EXCELLENT. It drapes so well, is extremely lightweight, so easy to wear and layer even on hot days. If I grab it straight out of the dryer it’s wrinkle-free. It’s a splurge but if you are looking to just buy one and wear it for work and on days off, I think it’s a solid buy.“)

2. The Famous Abstract Coffee Table

I’ve NEVER seen more clicks, guys. Thousands upon thousands of clicks within minutes – like, the kind of numbers it usually takes a week to accrue. (To no one’s surprise, the few pieces left in stock sold out almost immediately.) Let Em sing the praises one more time (Anthro, are you reading? We want more tables!): “It’s heavy. Solid. It’s not a casual hoard, but it’s an INCREDIBLE price for this wonder. And not to be a car salesman but it won’t be around for long. After I gave it away (to a friend) I lamented it daily, thinking I could find something similar. I couldn’t/didn’t. It does the job of a square, rectangle, and an oval at the same time. It visually fills more space than its dimensions. It’s just so good.

1. Em’s Sauna Blanket

I mean…I knew it was coming, but I’m still pretty freakin’ flabbergasted. It’s the behemoth product that cannot be stopped (but I guess that’s kind what happens when you have the top Google result for “sauna blanket review.” C’est la vie!). Em’s HigherDose blanket shot its way onto the 2021 edition of this list – seriously, we first posted about it in November of 2021 and it was a Top 25 item within 3 weeks – AND it was a bestselling item every month in 2022, so I’m not surprised that it’s here…but also like, DANG, who knew the market for sauna blankets was THIS huge? It’s extraordinary.

THAT’S IT. What say you? Did you fall in love with anything from the blog (or from this list) this year? Let’s talk about it, yeah? xx

Opening Image Credits: Design by Sarah Zachary | Styling by Emily Bowser | Photo by Sara Ligorria-Tramp | From: A Historic Mid-Century Modern Home That Was Completely Brought Back To Life (Hope You’re Ready For Some COOL Original Details)

The post The Data Is In! These Are The Top 25 Most Purchased Items Of 2022 appeared first on Emily Henderson.

from Emily Henderson

Thursday 29 December 2022

Our 2022 FLOPS And Surprise Blog Post HITS (Wanna See If You Agree?)

Blogging/”Content Creation” is pretty akin to gambling. Some plays win BIG but if you play enough bad hands you just might lose your shirt. Luckily, all of our shirts are still firmly on our bodies but looking at the unexpected “wins” and “losses” of this past year is not only exciting but super informative! We never want to be a site that stops posting those fun, more random posts that connect us with all of you. Getting more eyes on posts is always the hope, and with some posts is the goal, but hanging out with you all every day is what drives us and has (IMHO) kept us here, still able to create. So let’s see what happened this year, shall we?

The Hits

How To Make Your House Warmer and Cozier When You Can’t Fix Your Insulation (+ Some Solid Renter Hacks)

photo by sara ligorria-tramp

I was so happy to see this on the “hit” list! It was all thanks to a guy that I went on a couple of dates with that was living in an apartment he was freezing in last winter. Who says dating is pointless?? Just kidding. He’s great and we actually became friends. The part of this post’s success that was a surprise was how much traffic it got. I thought it was a useful post because most, if not all, of my apartments have had bad insulation. What can I say I love old buildings which typically come with lots of pros but good insulation is not one of them. This clearly resonated and I hope made a difference for my freezing friends!

4 Women Honestly Review Gel-X Manicures (+ 21 Nail Art Ideas We Actually Tried)

Next up was definitely a “passion post”. I was three months into my Gel-X journey and all the EHD gals that were also doing it were equally as excited to show off their fun designs. I knew it wouldn’t be relatable to a lot of people but I know how desperate I always am to find new design inspiration which made me think others are too. So at first, the traffic was pretty low (“a miss” if you will). The EHD community didn’t care all that much (but if any of you listen to The Deep Dive podcast with June Diane Raphael and Jessica St. Clair, you much be changing your tune:)). But this baby was a sleeper hit and over time has accumulated A TON of views – mostly from Google. Fun fact: I often update the post with my new designs in case you want to check back in on it. I think for the holidays I’m going to dabble in some simple gems and I’m pretty excited about it.

Oh and Hot Tip! I was able to grow my nails with my gel extensions so now I no longer need them and instead use what’s called Gel Builder. I think it’s just a thick gel polish base that they put gel polish on top of to keep them from easily breaking. It’s also a little more affordable!

What We Did With Our Perfectly Usable Kitchen Cabinets And Appliances From The Farm

The shock we experienced when this post was a massive success was comical. We knew it would a little niche since it was about a business that’s only in Portland (so not super helpful if you lived anywhere else) but it’s important to all of us to promote companies that are making a wonderful difference in the world. Y’all this post got so much traffic which honestly made us feel really hopeful for the future. The way it resonated was so powerful and hopefully inspired people to look up similar businesses in their areas. And if you are in the PDX area you have to check out the ReBuilding Center. It’s wonderful and the people that work there are the best!

Unphotoshopped Women Honestly Review Summersalt’s 3 Bestselling Swimsuits

You might be asking why I was surprised that this post was a hit. These kinds of posts always do pretty well because seeing real bodies in varying sizes in clothing is always helpful. But y’all this wasn’t a normal “hit,” this was a STAR. Google was a huge factor in that because this was our #1 post for daaaysss. Also, while we all truly loved a least one of these suits each, the fact that they were all from only one brand made us wonder if the post would be as popular as our other swimsuit posts in years past. Well, it was beyond the previous year’s traffic and we are always so so grateful for your encouraging words. It shouldn’t be a big deal to simply wear a swimsuit on the internet (or even in public) but our societal body standards haven’t made it easy. So again, thank you<3

17 Incredibly Cool DIYs And IKEA HACKS That Will Make Your Home Feel Extra Special (All Levels Welcome)

DIY posts are usually a hit or miss. It just depends on what they are! I was a little worried about this one because a lot of the DIYs were pretty trend-forward which isn’t for everyone. I get that. But I am happy to report that minimally a lot of y’all were interested in at least looking. Phew. Plus, not to toot my own horn, but they were pretty cool:) More to come in 2023!

The Misses

Our Primary Bath Debates, Priorities, Layout Choices, And Storage Solutions…

This one was truly shocking. Process posts are usually super popular – especially when it comes to Emily’s projects. Honestly, maybe it was just the opening photo. Ha. Renovation process photos are hard because either there isn’t enough structure to make them compelling or there is but it gives too much away. Another thing to be aware of is that all of our photos must be a certain ratio size and always be horizontal. That may not seem hard but let me tell you it’s not, not hard.

Jess’ DIY Bench 2.0 – Her Solution To Her Ugly Electronics (Plus An Ask The Audience)

This traffic wasn’t “bad” but I expected it to be much better. Again, it’s process, it’s a DIY, and it’s personal. The blogging trifecta! But for whatever reason, it didn’t speak to a ton of you which is totally fine. I promise it won’t stop us:)

Also, a fun/tragic fact about the bench is that unless I want a cable running around my fireplace and turret…this cannot house my electronics hahaha. Someone (that someone is me) didn’t check which wall her internet was coming from. I don’t regret making this cabinet bench for one second but I will need to come up with another solution for my electronics…UGH.

Stylish Purses That Fit A Laptop  (+ One Accessory To Make Them Even Cuter)

A real swing and a miss but hopefully helped maybe a few of you. We try to think of pain points in our own lives and I was in search of a quality (and cute) purse that could hold my 16″ laptop. My beloved belt bag is useless in this department:) Maybe it was just too niche or not enough of a priority for people.

Painting The Farmhouse Exterior – Our Inspiration, Biggest Debates, And How Choosing Between White Paints Can Be Hilariously Maddening – Even For Me.

This one is even more baffling than the bathroom post! Exterior posts are usually super popular – especially exterior paint posts. It must be because painting the exterior of a house is SOOO intimidating because it’s pretty freaking expensive. I get that any help in that department is extremely appreciated. Can’t win ’em all!

15 Really Good Father’s Day Gift Ideas

photo by suraya barbee

With this one, I was also pretty stunned. It may or may not be a shock that a majority of our readers are not fathers. So posts like these are usually pretty popular since fathers are notorious for being impossible to shop for. But I guess this year or this post just didn’t pop. I still highly recommend looking at this post because they are great gifts that the dads in our lives truly love.

Storytime: I didn’t find out until after the fact that apparently, my dad wrote a father’s day post without telling m because he really loved writing the one he did the year prior. I didn’t ask him again because I didn’t want the team to feel pressured to say yes because he’s my dad. It’s understandably hard for me to be fully objective when it comes to him. So maybe if y’all want another Les Bunge father’s day gift guide in 2023 maybe I can persuade him:)

So those were all of our surprises! Are you surprised? Do you agree? If you get why some didn’t work we would love your opinion. But please never forget that we are people with real feelings so let’s keep the comments constructive<3

Love you, mean it.

Opening Image Credits: *Design by Sara Ruffin Costello | Styled by Velinda Hellen & Erik Kenneth Staalberg | Photo by Sara Ligorria-Tramp for “The New Design Rules”

The post Our 2022 FLOPS And Surprise Blog Post HITS (Wanna See If You Agree?) appeared first on Emily Henderson.

from Emily Henderson

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