Tuesday 5 January 2021

Jess’ Dream Apartment Layout Nightmare- It’s A MOTO Ask The Audience Y’all

The moment I walked into this apartment my jaw dropped to the floor (full intro tour here). As I slowly picked it up I noticed that the living room was going to be a challenge to layout. But hey that was “future Jess'” problem. I ignored my future headache and ran to fill out the application and send my future landlord my firstborn. But now 1.5 months into living here and staring at these blank walls it’s time to get serious and design this sucker. This will not be another year and a half venture. I have some crazy ideas in my head that I’m both terrified and exhilarated by so I need to get to them before I overthink them to death. But first…

Welcome to my problem child. A room that needs to function as both a living room and a home office. Even Julie, after seeing the pictures of my layout options, was basically like, “good luck bud, I’m rooting for you”. She also told me to ask all of you wonderful people your opinion (which was my plan from this start) so here we are. Layout design agonies are some of our most popular posts because they are annoyingly relatable. Everyone has at least one room that they have a really hard time figuring out. This is FOR SURE mine. Let’s talk…

Below is the overhead layout so you can see what I’m working with. (P.S. I used SmartDraw to create this floor plan and it wasn’t too hard!)

She looks big but until she gets the “She’s All That” makeover, she’s real awkward. However unlike “She’s All That” it’s going to take more than simply removing her glasses for Freddie Prince Jr. to see this living room’s full potential (Also, really Freddie??).

Moving right along… I think the best way to make any decision for the world’s most indecisive person (me) we need a pros and cons list for each of the three layouts with some fun (and MESSY) pics. NOTE: My current desk in the real photos is a folding table that I will be replaced with a nice, larger desk eventually. That’s also why the desk looks bigger in all of the layouts:)

Option ONE – The “Up Against The Wall That For Some Reason Make Me Feel Less Like This An Adult’s Apartment”

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:


  • I know that title sounds real dumb but I can’t help it, it’s how I currently feel (subject to change). I guess that I had this “floating off the wall” sofa dream that felt really chic. But since there is only 2 feet of space between the wall and the left side of the fireplace (if you are looking at it) and my sofa is about 3 feet deep, it blocks too much of the fireplace. MY FIRST FIREPLACE as a grown a$$ woman. It looks wonky and it bums me out.
this overhead view makes the sofa/fireplace blocking look less intense. just remember that:)
  • Also if I wanted to add more seating across from the sofa, there would too many chairs on that side of the room since my desk chair would also be over there.

See what I mean?? Too cramped on that desk chair. I guess one could work…

This is intriguing but still not sold because of the fireplace issue.


  • So despite its “wonkiness”, I do like that I am looking at my pretty windows when sitting and that the space feels open overall.
  • Okay. Could maybe have one accent chair.
  • You don’t walk into the room and see the back of a sofa. More on that next…

Option TWO – The “Hey This Is The Back Of My Sofa But At Least It’s Centered To The Fireplace”

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:


  • Well as stated in the title I don’t love the when you walk into the space, you walk right into the back of the sofa. I don’t know much about Feng Shui (putting on my 2021 to-do list) but having the sofa here feels like I’m cutting the room off. Well… until I’m sitting on said sofa.
  • It knocks out almost any chance of extra seating.
  • I feel lukewarm about it but it’s getting warmer with time.

Here is the most likely layout because…

Adding a chair might crowd the desk area too much. Though I’m sitting with this configuration now and I think a small accent chair (smaller than in this graphic) cooould work.


  • Centers around the fireplace
  • I can sit on my sofa and not be forced to look at my desk (an attempt to turn off “work mode”) but can also easily turn and enjoy that side of the room. Wait. Idea. Should I get a little cabinet or box to easily and safely put away my monitor at night?? That way I can pretend my desk is a dining table. Hmmm I’ll look into it.
  • The sofa I desperately want has a curved back so at least that will get its time in the sun showing off its behind.
  • Plenty of room for my office area to breathe…. unless I add that chair;)

Option THREE – The “Too Much Furniture On One Side Of The Room Which Somehow Makes This Decently Sized Space Feel Cramped”

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:


  • To make the sofa not block the fireplace (the issue with it being on the wall) it really steps on the office area’s toes.
  • I would be facing the wall and not the windows when sitting on the sofa. Bummer, right?
  • I don’t love the sightline from the entrance of the living room to the windows. Too much furniture blocking happening.
  • Would require me to probably choose a small desk (side eye emoji).
  • Still doesn’t give enough space for extra seating.
  • Would need to find or build a very slender media cabinet or shelving unit. But also Bunge Bench 2.0??
this graphic makes it look like there more space than there is. ugh.


  • It doesn’t awkwardly block the fireplace.
  • You get a clear shot of the sofa when you walk into the room.

So if you can’t tell I’m leaning towards option 2 but again not in love with the idea. For fun this was Julie’s official response when I sent her all of the options:

“Man I don’t know haha, I like the original cause it gives a clear view of the windows and desk area when you walk into the space but it’s a little awkward with how much it overlaps the fireplace. The one with the sofa floating in front of the fireplace makes sense but feels like you can’t add any more seating and would you put a table behind the sofa or just walk into the back of it with nothing? And the last one functionally makes sense but completely blocks off that epic photo of a cool sculptural desk moment.”

So ya, no clear answer which is why I really would love your opinion (and I’m not planning on adding a “sofa table” because it would make the walkway too skinny). What is your vote? Am I missing something? I really want my desk in the turret because that’s where I spend most of my time and I refuse to put my desk in my bedroom. HELP. And thank you thank you.

Love you, mean it.

The post Jess’ Dream Apartment Layout Nightmare- It’s A MOTO Ask The Audience Y’all appeared first on Emily Henderson.

from Emily Henderson https://stylebyemilyhenderson.com/blog/jess-dream-apartment-living-room-layout-nightmare

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