Saturday 21 August 2021

Emily’s Bon Voyage But Not Before A LOT Of Vintage Shopping – Wanna See What Caught Our Eyes… And Wallets??

Two weeks ago, the EHD team met up in person one final time before Em’s move to Oregon. We rented a house in Long Beach for three days, ate two bags of tortilla chips, drank Palomas prepared by Jess (amazing), tested out a bottle of mango-flavored wine margaritas (significantly less amazing), and planned out our schedule for the rest of the year. (I also got food poisoning after a dinner and Mallory had to take care of me in the middle of the night, because the one thing EVERYONE dreams of is vomiting loudly and in front of all of their coworkers after spending a year apart.)

But during all of this fun, we also made time to check out two of our all-time favorite vintage spots in the Los Angeles area: the Long Beach Antique Mall (#2 – #1 is no longer open) and Urban Americana. Both are filled with incredible booths stocked by super talented vendors, so there are a TON of treasures of all types to be found. In true vintage lover fashion, I wanted to force the team to do a little show-and-tell because it was SO FUN seeing the things that caught their beautiful design-minded eyes…so today, we’re here to take you on a little vintage shopping team with EHD. I gotta know – would you have taken any of our picks home? Do you like our purchases? We’ll obviously kick it off with the big boss, since we all know she’s your favorite 🙂


UGH. just seeing this chair again makes me sad that I didn’t get it. At the time it was a “no” because it was $250 and I wished it were $115. But I knew it was a “photoshoot” chair, something I’m not allowed to buy anymore because I have enough dumb photoshoot chairs. Photoshoot chairs can be defined as sculptural chairs that people avoid sitting in because they aren’t that comfortable. It’s a stylist addiction that I’m trying to cure myself of because it’s dumb. Sure, I’ll always have my hand chair, and if this chair were $35 there is NO WAY I wouldn’t have hoarded it for the corner of a bedroom, but for $250 it felt high, then I’d have to drive it to Lake Arrowhead, look Brian in the eye, defend a week before we are moving states into a rental with a storage unit full of furniture I felt the need to buy an expensive sculptural chair… Remember, “if its not a hell yes, it’s a no”. But please if you buy it tag me on social so I can see it. The shape is rad, but there were some pieces that were coming off of it making it go more into the “thrifted” realm and less “vintage” (and $250 is too much for that IMHO).

I’m currently not allowed to buy any more pictures of dead people because I have probably 10-12 from our LA house that are awaiting their spots at the farm, but I did love these two. I mostly love the outfits – the historical signifiers of the time. And yes that blonde girl reminded me of Birdie (and yes, myself). The boy portrait was I think $1200 or something crazy expensive but it was HUGE.

I CAN’T BELIEVE I HAVEN’T TOLD YOU YET. Birdie, my sweet little joyful lady is obsessed with decorating and styling (it redefined for me what parenting joy is – I know she is obviously heavily influenced by me, but she does it all the time by herself when I’m not in the room). Anyway, we have this dollhouse from Target that is up in the attic and she finally BEGGED me to get it down last week because she is ready to start decorating it. Two or three years ago I begged her to do this with me, but she was too young and didn’t get why it was fun. Now I’m still hesitant to confirm that she’s in it for the long haul, and not that she just wants to play with a toy on the top shelf for a brief period, but crossing fingers we’ve entered into the “playing dollhouse” together mode. Hot Tip – you have to have dolls. While she does love decorating she is into the imaginary interaction part of it. That’s all to say I didn’t buy this dollhouse furniture because it was two days before she said she was ready to go for it, but I wish I had.

Two mirrors because somehow I can justify moving these up to Oregon. The one on the right I love for a gallery wall (the sculptural shape breaks up normal rectangles). I think it was $75 which is probably more than I should have paid, HOWEVER (rationalization coming here) the one on the LEFT was only $20 and I would have paid $60 for that (imagine leaning on our kitchen shelf – that arch is so cute and you know we love a mirror in a kitchen).

Two vases that I did not need… I bought the one on the left because that texture is cool, and white over navy is obviously going to work in any room of our home. The footed black one is good, but I have 932 vintage footed vessels so I slowed my roll.

If we were closer to decorating the farm I think I would have snagged some of these, but since we are like 7 months out and I KNOW that the antique shopping in Oregon is incredible I decided to wait. I do love this tole lamp for Birdie’s room (she loves flowers possibly even more than I do) but not having designed anything for their rooms yet (not even knowing if they are sharing or not) I decided it was an expensive hoard ($140 I think).

Two more paintings that I was drawn to, but not enough to buy. The needlepoint on the left really struck me, well, that particular day felt like the world needed more kindness. I skipped it because it was kinda expensive and it just generally wasn’t a “hell yes”. The strawberry still life next to it I’m still super into and kinda wish I had bought it for our pantry (I love those colors A LOT) but again, I wasn’t 100% and it was $60 so I decided to skip it.

I kinda don’t want to even tell you this yet, but there will likely be a piece of furniture or two upholstered in vintage quilts. I’ve been scouring all the vintage sites and I know which ones I’m following (they are super expensive, like $250 +) so I’m waiting to scour in person. These two were CLOSE but the blue is just a bit too bright – I want something either more muted or more gray. But I was really drawn to the simplicity of the pattern and couldn’t stop thinking about how cute it would be to have one of each on the foot of the kids’ beds. But again for $180 each it felt too risky since I don’t know anything about their rooms yet. Besides, I need an excuse to go antiquing up there…

Oh. remember the time that I actually freaked out at a thrift store in Pasadena when I found the most perfect red and white antique quilt (king-sized!!) for $80 and bought it SO FAST, almost like the cops were going to come in and shut the place down because the deal was so good. Then I got it home and upon further inspection realized it was from Pottery Barn???? I use it all the time, actually – it’s our go-to picnic blanket. Remember the “antique french twine spool holder” I realized later was from Home Goods?? There is really no avoiding this trap (except actually inspecting your vintage goods) and it still cracks me up.

Now I’m not FULLY convinced of either of these, but I was very drawn to them. The boat is so pretty and simple – if we had a beach house I would have 100% bought it. The shell pot? I don’t know. I just know that they are having a moment but aren’t for me. They have an awesome “Golden Girls” vibe that I could 100% see on Instagram.

I was tempted by this chair because I’m in need of two swivel chairs (I think) and this one was cute and affordable ($140). But ideally, I’d have a pair of them and finding single dope chairs is my forte so I skipped this one. It was at Urban Americana (which is awesome BTW) if you want to go snag it.


Just a gal in her very yellow “Polish grandmother” dress contemplating purchasing yet another cute trash bin. I already own two so I didn’t buy this one but shoot it’s SO CUTE, right!? I reeeeeallly love a lightly patina’d delicate wire…anything. So this bin was no exception. I personally think an unexpected, chic trash bin is the way to up the ante of any room’s style:) But actually. I’m not joking. Don’t forget about the trash.

It took A LOT of restraint not to buy at least one of these. I’m very drawn to dark wood these days and I think it’s because of the style of my apartment. So even though that mirrored curio shelf was only $20 I passed because I didn’t have a place in mind for it. Same goes for the circa 1880 corner cabinet. Except that one was $85 so much more of a financial investment. Maybe next lifetime.


That corkscrew and matchbook caught my eye but even at $12 and $10 I decided to skip. I definitely hopped on that “framing a bunch of cool matchbooks” trend in 2008 and I still always peek at fun ones when I’m thrifting. I honestly still love the look and may even do it again! I still have all of them:)


I mean. It’s just good! Look at those circles! I don’t remember how much it was but it was hard to pass up because I actually need some kind of table next to my oven. But guess who didn’t have her needed measurements??? Brady had a very similar one in his old kitchen so I have a soft spot for them for that reason too.


Ugh. I held onto that brass vase for like 20 minutes but after asking Em if she thought it was worth $50 and her saying if it were $30 then yes, I put it back. I only regret it a little. I have SO MANY vessels that spending $50 on another one when I don’t know if I need it is completely unnecessary.

That urn outdoor planter was just cool and made of metal so super heavy. Wasn’t going to buy it but really loved the shape.

Here are two others I wasn’t going to buy but thought they were awesome. That side table would be cute in or outside and that mini chair would be well, probably useless, but so sweet to look at daily! Sorry, I don’t remember the prices.


If only I had a body of water to float this stunning weird beauty on. Again, another lifetime.

But I actually did buy two things!

Even I don’t fully get me sometimes but that ceramic face plate needed to be mine. And honestly at $30 (a little steep probably) I was willing to pay up. Then I did get something I did need – A planter. That patina’d cutie was the perfect match for my Parisian-inspired balcony so for $20ish I happily took it home for me (and you?) to enjoy:) Both of these were from Urban Americana and I am honestly a big fan. Great variety but not too overwhelming. It’s absolutely a must-go if you are in Long Beach.


HELLO, IT’S ME. You know I’ve said my piece already so LET’S GET TO THE GOODS. Look at these vintage beauts!!!

I’ve been absolutely in love with these chests since writing this post and have the perfect spot in mind for one in my home, but this one was a little out of reach at about $1,400. That’s a GREAT price for such beautiful flamed mahogany with such special details – someone in the area, please go buy this from Urban Americana! – but it’s a little (read: a lot) beyond my budget right now. Back to FB Marketplace I go!

I’m also currently experiencing a love affair with ALL campaign furniture. These Cleo Baldon-style chairs would have been perfect in my dining room if the leather had been a little warmer and I *wish* I had space for those flawless wrought iron outdoor chairs on the right. The lines and the shapes are just SO PLEASING to my eye. Do you agree??

I thought Em was going to love these dog paintings (you know, given her current search for pet portraits) but was SHOCKED when all three were a pass. It turns out that these felt a little too “movie set” and a little less organic, which I totally understand. Also, HELLO unintended mirror selfie!

OH MY. In hindsight, I look at this marquetry lamp on the left and am like, “WHY DIDN’T I BUY THIS?” (Answer: it was $245, but that feels very fair for something like this TBH. I need to go back!!!) And that hand-painted lamp on the right was even more beautiful in person if you can believe it – the shades of pink were SO good.

I bought this because I’m losing my mind and need to collect all things majolica/lettuce/cabbageware. In a crazy twist, I had actually pinned the radish version of this soup tureen on Etsy IMMEDIATELY before heading to Long Beach, which makes me feel like I manifested this one a little bit. It makes me surprisingly happy and I love it very much – SUPER worth the $25 I paid for it IMO.


Those plates on the left are a classic case of NOT vintage!!! I was ABSOLUTELY JAZZED on all of these until I turned one over and realized that they’re still available at West Elm. They’re $12.50 new but they were still $10 here, so it wasn’t a good deal for me and I left them behind.

But I did bring home those flower plates on the right. Em actually pointed them out to me – mainly because I couldn’t shut up about how much I love dinnerware from Bordallo Pinheiro and the pansy plates from Fitz & Floyd – and I’m SO GLAD she did. These 6 different color plates were made in Italy and they cost $70, which felt like a slam dunk for someone who has waited to buy plates for two years (!!!) because I like, REALLY wanted to find ones I loved. These were worth the wait 🙂

GAH. Look at all these sweet glass shades!!! Why don’t I have any pendant lights!!!

Two seating options, two VERY different styles. That strawberry chintz chaise on the left is SO FUN – I could see it looking right at home in a ton of modern-traditional designs. And that Overman Pod Sofa on the right was SUCH. A. DEAL. at $450. I wish I had space for it! (Here’s one in the original fabric for $1500 if you also love this spacey shape.)

GIVE ME ALL THE REGENCY LEOPARDS AND CHEETAHS. Except not for like, $900. How fun is this, though?

I am a low-key collector of these leather animals – I bought this elk as the first piece of furniture for a new apartment when I was 22 and broke (and I bought it instead of buying a sofa!! Like an actual lunatic!!) and I recently added a 4′ tall leather giraffe to the mix (my IG pals know all about the newly-named “bath giraffe” because he lives in my bathroom). But these guys are ALL over the place and they come in so many different animals and sizes – I just love the texture/warmth/weirdness they bring to a space.

Would it really be an EHD trip if we didn’t ponder buying tiny chairs?? These were cool but the chairs wouldn’t fit under the table and I don’t know if I can have a non-functional tiny vignette in my house. A tragic pass.


I LOVE WEIRD DOG THINGS. That’s a leather decanter on the left with terrifying eyes (it has grown on me a lot since TBH) and I just loved those sweet fireplace tools on the right. I thought it was missing a piece so I passed but I now see that I am VERY dumb and that the fourth poker is laying on the ground RIGHT THERE. I think they were about $200 – so not cheap – but they make such a fun statement and feel like a keep-forever kinda piece.


Does anyone know the history of that type of wooden art on the right? I thought it was SO COOL and I could just imagine it looking totally fresh and modern in a slimmer frame. I also walked around with that art on the left for 15 minutes before putting it back. It was $65 and the colors made my heart sing a little bit (plus one of the buildings just says “Restaurant” on it and for whatever reason, I LOVE THAT) but I ended up seeing a piece of art that I liked better, so I figured I didn’t love it enough to bring it home.

This was the art I loved more – it’s a painting of the park that’s a few blocks from my house. I am VERY sentimental and really like collecting pieces that have ties to home (y’all have NO IDEA how many Delaware-related pieces of art and ephemera are in my apartment).


This post could also be titled “all the things Mallory should have bought while vintage shopping with the team” and I’m gonna show you ALL THE THINGS. I’m actually considering going back for a few of these things/maybe just need to buy different versions of them at different times in life. There were 2 items in particular that I know I will purchase eventually because they’re really fun/cool/creative things to have in your house. Let’s start with the first one:

VINTAGE TIKI GLASSES. I thought I was so creative and unique when I saw all these awesome tiki cups and I told Emily “omg how cool would it be to have a bunch of different vintage tiki glasses and when your friends come over they can pick whichever one they want,” Em quickly responded with “oh my friends do that at their house…it is awesome!” So while it’s maybe not as original of an idea as I thought, it would be really cool to be a cool adult and do that. Now enter the second fun/cool/creative thing I want in my house:

A VINTAGE GUM DISPENSER. HOW FUN IS THIS??? I want to have this in my house so people can just come up to it and grab whatever type of gum they want whenever. I think this would be SO FUN to have in like a den/bar/even a bathroom maybe?? Idk but I called my boyfriend desperately asking where we could fit this in our studio apartment that would maybe make sense. Still highly debating going back for it btw…

This was a cute classic cutting board that I wanted because I knew it would look great in photos, but all in all I wasn’t sure if it was worth $50 since I’ve seen it in a few other places before…that handle is SO GREAT though.

These mugs haunted me from store to store…I saw them and SWOONED (plus they were pretty affordable: 2 for $10 I believe). Since my cabinet space is extremely limited (hence why I didn’t end up getting the tiki glasses either) I passed on them, but then I found them at the next store we went to too!! They were following me I swear. It was hard to pass them up the second time but my exploding cabinets were begging me. Anyway, someone go grab them if you’re in Long Beach –– it was a great deal!!

ajai came to brunch on our first day!!

HI, IT’S CAITLIN AGAIN. I gotta know – did any of these pieces also catch your eye? Who on team EHD most aligns with your current style? And most importantly, do you think you could spend 3 straight days in a house with your coworkers and leave even MORE in love with them than you were before??? (I say it in every post, but we’re so lucky to be able to work together doing something so fun. 2 years in and I still can’t believe this is a job!! :)) Thanks for coming on a little vintage shopping trip with us – hope you had a nice time, too. See you back here tomorrow, yeah??

The post Emily’s Bon Voyage But Not Before A LOT Of Vintage Shopping – Wanna See What Caught Our Eyes… And Wallets?? appeared first on Emily Henderson.

from Emily Henderson

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