Monday 7 February 2022

A Jess’ Living Room MOTO Update: We’ve Got A Lot To Talk About – Successes And A Possible Mistakes

I promise this was supposed to be my MOTO that didn’t take a year and half (and IT WON’T) but my optimistic 4-month plan has come and gone…and left well, forever. The initial culprits were the crazy shipping delays and boy there have been a lot of them. And now I am in the process of getting an exciting custom thing made but I figured it was high time for an update. I’ve got a lot of thoughts, ideas, and fun developments (but also at least one sorta mistake). I am sure I have said this before but historically I don’t like to do MOTO updates where anything is “given away”. Maybe it’s the showbiz gal that’s still in me that wants as much “shock and awe” as possible. But process is what we do here. I’d like to think that’s what makes us special and keeps everyone connected to our reveals and especially our MOTOs. So baby, buckle up. We’ve got stuff to talk about.

But let’s go back for a little refresh since it’s been a minute…

The Layout Agony

This was my first big hurdle considering I couldn’t really plan everything until my layout was locked in. While I LOVE having a fireplace and a turret window, this particular layout isn’t an easy one if you also need it to function as an office. These were the three most doable options:

And here is the one I picked (option two) PLUS the sofa of my dreams:

This was right after it was delivered and it was a game-changer from that moment and here’s why. First off, the back is lower than my old white sofa which really opened up the space. I was shocked. When you look at the older photos, the white sofa kinda looked too big. This seems wild because this new beaut is almost a foot wider and feels perfect. Point being, definitely consider the height when buying a sofa for visual openness. Oh and for those who are tall or have tall people in their lives that are wondering if they can comfortably sit on this sofa I had it “tall person approved”. When my friend saw my sofa, he said, “well it looks nice but I hate low back sofas. I’m always too tall so they are pretty uncomfortable”. But when he actually sat on it he quickly changed his opinion because of its deep cushion. That made all the difference to him. Basically, it’s an incredible sofa and I fall asleep on it a lot because it’s like the size of a twin bed. The second reason why this particular sofa lady was such a game-changer is the color balanced my not-so-pretty brown fireplace. Aside from the heart-stopping moment when I saw it on the Lulu and Georgia site, having it in the space makes my fireplace’s color look less terrible! Do I magically love the fireplace color now? No. BUT, the white sofa really made it stand out in not a great way. It was like a magic trick. So really this sofa is a peacemaker in my home. And speaking of my fireplace let’s chat about that next…

The Fireplace Fiasco

please ignore the styling

Where we last left off, my DIY dream was to cover my fireplace. DIY Dad (Les Bunge, the legend) was on the job. I gave him measurements, he pre-cut the wood at his house, and down in his beloved airstream he came to Pasadena (seriously that airstream is his actual pride and joy. My brother and I are a distant memory now).

But then, after testing it out (and him accusing me of not telling about some part of the fireplace’s structure), he deemed my dreams impossible without it looking really weird in the end. Les Bunge is a yes man so while I, of course, tried to prove him wrong… he was in fact right.

There was just too big of a gap for the look I wanted because of how far the mantle jutted out. And while I’m not someone who gives up easily on an idea, when it’s not’s working you’ve got to pivot.

So what’s the plan now? Well, I’m seeing if just tiling inside and on the hearth (on plywood so damage to the fireplace) could work. I really love the idea of dark blue zellige tile so stay tuned.

The Window Treatment Conundrum

This is what my nook used to look like. I still needed a desk and I was coming to terms with the fact that white curtains looked very blah in this space. If not white, what color?! I still wanted the space to feel peaceful but also warm and inviting. Enter my then existential pink curtain crisis question.

Guess who decided to get over herself and her silly biases? These truly gorgeous curtains and a single curved rod were graciously made by Decorview. I won’t gush quite yet about what an incredible experience it was (I’ll save that for the reveal) but my lord am I in love. And to Lisa, who commented that her mom read somewhere that pink curtains mimic the light babies see when they’re in the womb and would be calming, was right. My “womb room” is both calming and is making a bold design choice. Win-win.

You also might have noticed that utterly spectacular desk…

The DREAM Desk

TA-DA. Finding this desk felt like a magic trick I somehow performed but have no idea how I did it. But more accurately Crate & Barrel simply has my heart and what they have been designing is truly so beautiful. So not only is this chic and textured, it’s stupidly functional (yes, Jess has a functional piece of furniture). Let’s break it down:

1. It’s a desk that doesn’t read: DESK when you first look at it. This was important to me since it’s such a main piece in the space.
2. Both sides independently twist from the center so I can have them angled, straight, or nested together. This means it can also work as a skinny dining table if I want to have a dinner party!
3. IT HAS STORAGE. The center is a full-on cabinet. Oh but if I don’t want to see the cabinet door for some reason I can twist it around to the back.

When Emily first saw it her exact words were, “This is an Editorial Director’s desk!” and honestly I feel very lucky and powerful every time I sit at this desk. A massive upgrade from the folding table to say the least.

A DIY Desk Chair Challenge

Welcome to my pending DIY desk chair project. My current chair is from our old studio and while I completely appreciate getting to use it, it’s kinda falling apart and the materials mixed with everything else in the space (ie pink curtains, crystal chandelier) are making the space feel glam which really isn’t my personal style. So when I was visiting my cousin up north we went thrift shopping and each bought one of these chairs for only $15!! In its current state, I am not a fan. BUT, the wheels are great and roll super smooth. And, it’s wide so I can sit criss-cross and I like the cane. My plan is massive surgery to make it look more modern but if I totally mess it up then I can use the wheels on a different chair. And again how could I pass it up for $15?!

A Rug Burn(ing) Question

Y’all I am having a time finding the perfect rug. I love love love my checkered rug but I think the pattern scale is too small. So not finding the right patterned rug, I thought I would go for “big texture” which is why you see that cream natural flokati shag rug. The rug itself is great, very pretty, was under $400 for at 6’x9′ on Etsy but I am having some buyer’s remorse for it in this space. I was trying to avoid having the space feel too “cold and modern”, so I thought this would really help. Maybe a thick rug pad would do something but honestly, I think it’s just not it. Maybe it would be great in my bedroom (where the checkered rug currently is) or maybe I can make some of my money back by selling it to a good home where it would thrive. IDK. Stay tuned on that too. I am, however, pretty pumped about those little art pieces:)

I’ve Still Got Secret Plans

Did you think I’d give it all away?! Never:) I have something really amazing (at least I think so) planned for this wall. Just know that this will be the very definition of a “statement wall”… and that sconce will be replaced.

So that’s where I am at. Lots of moving pieces and beautiful decor are being sourced to make it feel as comfortable yet inspiring to me as my last home. The style of this apartment building is definitely leading the charge but I’m determined to make it feel like me.

Love you, mean it.

The post A Jess’ Living Room MOTO Update: We’ve Got A Lot To Talk About – Successes And A Possible Mistakes appeared first on Emily Henderson.

from Emily Henderson

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