Sunday 28 February 2021

The Link Up: The Jacket Emily’s Been Wearing For 3 Years Straight, The Perfect Hair Clip, And The Side Table We ALL Want

Hi everyone and once again, happy Sunday! After a pretty action-packed design week on the blog, we are ready to rest up to prep for another one… hope you’re ready:) So to do that, I think all of us on the team are going to be following in Cailtin’s self-care footsteps, take “the perfect shower” and let you enjoy this link up.

To be honest we may have mentioned this truly mesmerizing house tour before but now it’s getting full-on top billing (as it should)! There isn’t one thing we don’t love about this home but there is one feature that is going to be a hot topic this week;)

From Emily: Three years. THREE YEARS of wearing the same running/hiking/biking jacket year-round. The other day Caitlin pitched a post called ‘What Clothes Make Me Feel Really Good Right Now’ and while I didn’t verbalize it on the call I was internally thinking ‘uh, my running jacket?’ You’ve seen me wear it FOR YEARS and the reason it’s more superior than others is A. it’s warm (puffy vest) but still really flattering (fitted but not tight arms), B. it has zippered pockets, and C. since it’s only puffy on the front I can layer it under all my coats without adding armpit bulk (you know what I mean). I have a couple other summer jackets but to wear the same piece of clothing for three years, 3-4 times a week, and have it still be in great condition is pretty remarkable. So while I’ve linked it up a lot over the years, I wanted to give it more love right now. And yes it’s expensive for a running jacket, but if you are into sustainable purchases then know that this one lasts and gets true use.

Also from Emily: Oh shit. A victorian skirted wicker table at a pretty affordable price compared to all the others on the market. Nate and Jeremiah did it!!

From Caitlin: I just figured out how to send all my friends a $30 coupon to Charlotte Stone Shoes and since y’all are my friends…I had to share it here, too!!! (Click that link and a code should pop up.) I know this is kind of weird or lame to say, but I have a ton of pairs of shoes from this brand and they just make me feel kind of like, POWERFUL. I started my collection with this pair of platform boots, picked up a ton of deeply-discounted, super awesome pieces in a recent sample same including these sandals (like an adult version of the plastic Birks I’ve worn into the ground over the past couple of years – I’m growing up!), but I’m most excited about my recent purchase of these clogs, which are SUPER DUPES for the clogs everyone is ALWAYS asking Emily about. Just truly obsessed with this small business and I just want everyone to feel as good in their shoes as I do in these! (PS. The customer service was SO NICE when I DM’d them on IG and pleaded to know when these would be back in stock in my size. If anyone wants to send me a half birthday gift – 4/14 – those are #1 on my list.)

From Jess: Guess who just launched a sustainable personal care line at Target??? Drumroll please… Jada Pinkett Smith! It’s a gender-neutral line called Hey Humans that is both super affordable and 99% plastic-free. To top it off it was inspired by her kids which makes it that much more meaningful. I have my eyes on the Coconut Mint body wash and the Cedarwood Sage deodorant🙂

Also from Jess: The samples got me again! In my last round of skincare purchases, I used some of my Sephora points to get a sample of Dr. Dennis Gross’ Alpha Beta® Extra Strength Daily Peel Pads due to all the recs in the skincare post comment section. Well, you all were RIGHT. Holy crap they are amazing and I only had three packets. My skin was actually glowing and stupid soft after. I opted for the “regular strength” ones instead of the “extra strength” since they burned a bit while using but honestly, they both cause some amount small of burning. Now they do also have ones for sensitive skin so maybe I’ll try those next. However, while I am sure everyone will simultaneously scream “NO!” at me, if it requires a little bit of discomfort for the results I got, so be it. I can’t wait to use them over a longer period of time.

From Mallory: I did it. I finally bought a subscription to NYT Cooking and oh boy, oh boy do I LOVE IT. I had no idea what I was signing up for (and for $14 a month I hoped it was good considering that’s more than a Netflix or Spotify account which are obviously essential services), so I truly went in blind. If you’re like me and have no clue what it is or why it exists, it’s basically a platform where you can find awesome recipes along with photos and sometimes videos. You also get an email sent to you weekly (sometimes twice a week) with awesome recipes you can make and you can also save recipes to your recipe box so when you have no idea what to make you can use it as your little toolbox. The best thing I’ve found about it is that you can search for items you want to cook with. Let me give an example…the other day I realized I had a bunch of ground chicken in my fridge (so random) and I had no clue what to make with it. I went to NY Times Cooking, typed in ground chicken, got a bunch of awesome recipes, and ended up making one it suggested: HONEY CHIPOTLE TACOS. I had all of the ingredients just sitting in my house but I never could’ve come up with that on my own. If you cook a lot, this is a great resource!!

Also From Mallory: These hair clips are back and are my new favorite everyday WFH accessory. I bought this onethis one, and this one. No shame in my lazy hair styling game.

From Ryann: I never really understood the big deal with Airpods. Two expensive loose headphones that I am supposed to keep track of??? No thank you. That is, of course, until I was given them as a gift (thanks to my angel future MIL) and immediately I understood. If you have them you know what I mean, but still, having to keep track of them AND the charging case is a huge ask for someone like me. I knew I would need to save me from myself so I bought this case that I attach to my car keys. I have the cow print one and it’s so cute and puts me at ease knowing I won’t lose them (until I misplace my keys of course!!). 🙂

Ok, well that’s a wrap for us. Have a wonderful Sunday and see you all tomorrow. xx

Opening Image Credits: Design by Byrdesign | Photo by Laure Joliet | via Remodelista

The post The Link Up: The Jacket Emily’s Been Wearing For 3 Years Straight, The Perfect Hair Clip, And The Side Table We ALL Want appeared first on Emily Henderson.

from Emily Henderson

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