Thursday 1 April 2021

The One Feature Jess Is Ripping Out Of Her Apartment (And Likely Without Permission…)

See that fireplace tile that’s fronting as “original”??? Well, I’ve had it because it’s faux aged, makes me sad when I look at, and is killing my vision for my living MOTO (Makeover Takeover). SO with that said I’m just going to demo/retile. I know it’s very risky, but I will stay true to the architecture of the building so my landlord will (with all my fingers crossed) LOVE IT. Let’s get into my plan because I promise you will love it too even if you think I clearly have zero design boundaries…

ignore the styling!

APRIL FOOLS! This little rule follower would never rip out an architectural feature without permission. Plus I have the best landlord maybe in the whole world so Joan if you are reading this please don’t worry:) BUT I do have some pretty exciting MOTO news. Well, first off I have a few of the major pieces locked down so we are in actual motion, people. However, that’s not the news because that would make for a pretty boring and short blog post. “Hey, guess what? I got some stuff coming in a few months, BYE!” So while no demo will be taking place, the fireplace is still getting a MAJOR facelift. Like, go to a foreign country to heal and come back looking like a brand new person kinda major.

Here’s the deal. While the place of the fireplace may be original in location, the materials are not. Actually, it’s got a not-great faux antique tile on the exterior that REALLY bums me out (that part of the beginning wasn’t a joke). Plus the color depresses me. Remember my “accidentally goth” Christmas mantel??

are you also sad looking at this thing?

If everything was the same but it was, say white? Or an awesome real aged tile? Then all would be great. But this thing is throwing off my whole design and after talking to Em and mentioning that I was thinking about covering it, a resounding, “yes!” blurted out of her mouth… so guess who I called??? DIY DAD, of course. I talked him through my plan and like the sweet, pain-in-the-butt angel he is, he said, “No problem, Bungo.” Bungo is a family nickname:) “Yo, Bungo!” was regularly shouted in our home and anyone within earshot would yell back, “WHAT?” Not weird at all. Also, maybe I’ve told that little anecdote before? IDK. Ok back to the fireplace.

This is going to be a 100% no damage total fireplace cover that is if it turns out how I plan, will totally elevate the space and make it really unique to me! I should mention this is NOT a working fireplace. If that were the case then well, that would be a problem. I pitched a “Faux Fireplace” post last year that never happened…obviously. So now is my chance! Here’s the plan. I’m going to show you the rough idea of my design, a couple of color options, and then get into some other great faux mantel surround ideas if you are looking to create a really awesome focal point in your space. Something for everyone.

Ok, here is the mantel/fireplace again sans Christmas Goth but also please ignore this styling:)

See what a bummer the color and finish are??? I don’t know why but it just makes me have low energy whenever I look at it. I know that sounds dramatic but since I have a plan I think I can totally remedy this.

So first let’s go back to the inspiration (but the updated version):

As you can see, I want special shapes, a good dose of brown with pops of color, and an overall European vintage feel. I’m real weird about showing mood boards too soon because I personally love surprises and want my living room to be a surprise to all of you! This fireplace idea “reveal” might be as close as I get to reveal what my plans are…

Here is my inspiration shot:

design by ecru studio | photo by suiyu studio

Not sure what that material is that Ercu Studio used but I think with some PVC pipes and limewash paint I could totally get the same look. So this example is just a great focal piece on a flat wall. I have an actual fireplace to cover both over and inside. So this is my VERY rough plan. It looks like it may be ugly but I think it’s going to be sick.

I told you it was rough. But my dad has already cut the pieces of wood that are going to go inside of the fireplace and over the hearth so they can be tiled whenever. I want to be able to light real candles and tile seems like the safest way to go. I think I’m going to hire someone to do that part but who knows, maybe I’ll take a stab! When my dad gets here in a couple of weeks we’ll buy and cut the PVC pipes. I’ll likely paint alone because Les Bunge has already tapped out of the part of the project. This Bungo is on her own.

My only question is am I going too safe with the off-white tile? Should I do a color? Does this feel like PTSD from my vanity mirror post in which you think it won’t actually happen? I guarantee this one WILL get done because I want to make me, you, and the generous sponsors of my decor happy. Here are two other options:

I don’t know why the pink tile looks so strange in photoshop but I think regardless the blue is kinda sexy and unexpected. Do you agree? Do you prefer the off-white?? I know you don’t know the design plan but know that browns, pinks, and blues are big players.

So that’s my update and I hope it maybe got you more excited about my living room and not at all horrified:)

But that’s not it! Remember that I promised you more?? My love for faux mantel surrounds goes back to my days in Brooklyn when I was convinced we needed a mantel surround to create a focal point in our living room. But then time, energy, money, and bed bugs got in the way. Normal stuff. So for those faux mantel surround dreamers like me who are looking for a focal point in their living room and want some more looks, I’ve got you…

Let’s start with the modern option from the insanely talented Franchesca of Fall for DIY.

I mean for the right home this is AWESOME! It’s modern, chic, bold yet quiet, and the best part is that she gives you a total step-by-step guide on her blog. Had I seen this post back in the BK, I would have totally done this.

Now let’s get a little more classic with this modern rustic beauty by Caitlin and Manda of The Merrythought.

So not only is this one a bit more classic but it is also set up to be an actual working electric fireplace. How are some people so talented?? I love the clean lines but also the special painted tine ceiling tiles. Such a great option and they also have a step-by-step guide.

Last we have the least laborious and most vintage option. Hooray!

photo by sarah elliot | via remodelista

First off, I love this shot so much and it’s from Sarah Elliott and Lisa Przystup‘s book, Upstate: Living Spaces with Space to Live. I know both Em and Sara have it and LOVE IT. I need to get on the cool kid train and get myself a copy. Second, look how awesome that mantel looks. It’s perfectly aged and looks seamless in this home’s design aesthetic. The trick with vintage mantel surrounds is that your home also needs to have a lot of vintage character for it not to feel out of place. That’s just my personal PSA. But if you happen to have a beautiful old home in need of a focal point then this may be your answer! Here are some I found on Etsy:

1. Antique Wood Fireplace Mantel Surround | 2. 1890’s Antique Trim Surround | 3. Vintage Cast Iron Fireplace Mantel Surround | 4. Faux Fireplace & Mantel | 5. Antique Cast Iron Fireplace Surround | 6. Farmhouse Fireplace Faux Mantel Surround

I think any of these would look great in the right style home. Full disclosure #2 is a window trim but could totally work for a small space! And #4 is clearly not vintage BUT if you aren’t a DIYer and love this idea here is your answer.

Ok y’all, what do you think? What’s your tile color preference? Are you into this look as a focal point solution? Also, sorry about the prank. Hopefully, I didn’t make you too mad:)

Love you, mean it.

The post The One Feature Jess Is Ripping Out Of Her Apartment (And Likely Without Permission…) appeared first on Emily Henderson.

from Emily Henderson

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